What You Need From Your Business Computer Support Services (It Might Surprise You)
When you think of computer support services, you probably envision a geeky looking guy showing up at your business doorstep to fix a problem when you call.
This approach – waiting until a problem arises to reach out for help – might seem like the least expensive option but in the long run, it could cost you thousands of dollars more in money. It could also cost you hours more in downtime. And it might even cost you your business if you’re not careful.
I don’t say this to scare you but rather to shed light on a common misconception. Computer support services don’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) something you employ as soon as a problem arises. Here’s what you should look for when finding a company to help you repair any computer issues now and keep them running smoothly in the long run.
On-Site and Off Site Support
On-site computer support is what’s traditionally thought of when business owners think about what this service looks like. Although many problems can be remedied by having someone come out to repair the damage when it happens, especially hardware issues, such as with printers or copiers, on-site support is only one facet of a strong IT plan.
Having trouble with a website? Struggling to get access to your company’s VPN? There are many IT problems that arise throughout the day that do not require an in-person visit. For those, having a trusted computer support service on hand to call for remote support is ideal.
Depending on the circumstance, the company you have on speed dial to help with your IT concerns can login remotely and resolve an issue faster for you than driving to your Tucson office.
Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance
Support for IT concerns as they arise is only one part of the type of IT support your business needs. The goal of employing any IT company is to stop issues before they arise. This requires behind-the-scenes ongoing maintenance of your current systems.
Ongoing maintenance takes shape in a variety of ways. Much of it is done remotely, logging into your current configurations to ensure everything’s running smoothly. This includes:
Making regular updates to the backend of your system;
Monitoring to ensure your computer security software is running and effectively stopping threats;
Ensuring the data backup services your business relies on are working properly;
And more.
This proactive stance helps stop serious problems before the arise. If anything happens to your business after hours, such as a ransomware attack or a server shutdown, you’ll be notified and know that someone is working to restore your business as quickly as possible, so you minimize downtime.
This is the gold in computer support services. It’s also the piece that saves you the most amount of money because it stops problems before they arise.
Having proactive monitoring and maintenance also stops you or your employees from trying to repairing a small computer problem with a temporary fix. This approach often causes further damage in the long run, so it is less than ideal.
Ongoing Cost Analysis
In addition to saving you money on larger technology issues, some computer support services also do an ongoing cost analysis. This analysis lets you sleep better at night knowing you’re not overspending on programs or software that are not needed for your business.
Are You Getting Enough Out of Your Business Computer Support Services?
If not, it might be time to make a switch. Without proactive monitoring and maintenance, you’ll continue to pour money toward fixing problems. Stopping issues before they arise is far less expensive in the long run. And with a regular cost analysis performed for your business, you can be sure you’re getting the best protection for the lowest price.
Want to learn more about what this costs and looks like for your business? We’d love to give you a quote. Reach out and we’ll go through all of your business’s unique needs to find the best option to save you money over the long run.
Business IT Support: What Do You Need?
Technology is an integral part of every business, and while technology brings effectiveness and efficiency, managing your company’s tech needs can be a challenge. Experts estimate there are significant technological advances as little as every 28 days.
Although these advancements are beneficial to your company’s growth, staying on top of these developments can be overwhelming and often impossible unless you employ a full-time IT specialist. However, bringing on a full-time professional is a huge financial investment and that is not always necessary. Many companies are turning to managed IT services to outsource their technology needs.
So what is the best solution for your company’s technological needs? Here are few things to consider regarding business IT support.
Growth and Future Plans
Before making any decisions, it is important to assess your company’s current and projected size.
Are you currently growing?
How many employees do you have?
Do you have a complex technology needs?
The size and technological bandwidth of your company is a determining factor in IT support. Smaller companies most likely don’t have the financial capital to invest in a full-time IT professional. However, if you are outsourcing, it is important to find a managed services group you trust to grow with your company and help avoid unforeseen technological challenges.
On the contrary, larger companies are more likely to have the funds to invest in an in-house IT professional. As companies grow, so do their servers, data, and need for security. With more people depending on services, larger companies can’t afford large technological glitches. By bringing on an in-house expert, technology issues can be resolved much more efficiently, and your employees are more productive when time isn’t spent troubleshooting technology issues.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
As remote work becomes increasingly more popular, companies are investing in Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to allow employees to securely access company email, files and databases from anywhere in the world. Companies can either purchase and manage VPN networks internally, or outsource the work to a managed service provider.
With more and more employees working outside the traditional office setting, it is critical you take precautions from others in public networks having access to sensitive information. If your company chooses to utilize a VPN, it is best to outsource management to a third party to ensure utmost security.
Internal Servers
Setting up and maintaining an internal server can be a larger undertaking. If your company decides to invest in an internal server, it is important to understand everything that goes into the securing and maintaining the server.
Security mechanisms, such as firewall and proxy servers, need to be in place to protect your network from external threats. System availability, backups, data and service redundancy, hardware architecture and disaster recovery procedures all need to included and managed when you have an internal service. For this reason, companies with internal server will benefit from utilizing a managed service provider to oversee technological needs.
As with most aspects of business, the budget is often a major deciding factor when determining the business IT support you need. Knowing your bottom line will help guide you towards the best fit business IT support options. As you are setting your company’s technology budget, consider some of these following questions:
How much are you currently spending on IT support?
How often do you require IT support? – Will calling a technician every time you have a problem end up to be more costly than investing in a managed IT service?
Are you successful with the amount of support you have now?
How time sensitive are your technology needs?
Determining the Business IT Support You Need
So what’s the answer? In the end, managed business IT support can save your company time and money by freeing up your employee’s time and foreseeing problems before they arise. If you’re ready to look at options, check out our services, then get in touch!